
acoustic control中文是什么意思

  • 声控



  • 例句与用法
  • Smoke effect . acoustic controlled transformation , zoom rotation
  • Acts acoustic control and telemetry system
  • Acis acoustic control iduction system
  • The active structural acoustic control of flexible mechanism is discussed
  • An acceptable general noise level is achieved by careful acoustic control to provide aural privacy and mask intrusive noise
  • In order to reduce sound radiation of a structure , the method of active structural acoustic control ( asac ) was developed in the 1980s
    自八十年代后期以来,为了更为有效地降低结构声辐射,人们提出了主动结构声学控制( asac ) 。
  • The idea of integrated structure and control design is introduced into the structural acoustic control , and two methodologies are discussed on the integrated structure and control design based on noise attenuation
  • It is goes in for research , development and production of products including tweeters , drivers , acoustic control lamps , guitar acoustics , sound boxes , amplifiers for auto , megaphones and crossovers etc . which are widely used in acoustic equipments such as special audio , car audio and beach audio
  • 3 . under the conditions of sound velocity perturbation and the unmodel dynamic , active structure acoustic control system with robust h _ controller is simulated in this thesis . the performance of the robust h _ controller is compared with standard controller , the results show that the robust h _ controller possess famous robust performance
    3 .对基于鲁棒h _控制理论的结构振动声辐射主动控制系统,在考虑流体声速摄动和未建模动态的影响下进行了仿真研究,同标称控制器的性能对比表明,鲁棒h _控制器具有令人满意的的稳定鲁棒和性能鲁棒性。
  • Active structure acoustic control ( asac ) is the leading field in the area of vibration and noise control . based on the most current academic and experiment results of domestic and overseas in asac , modern robust control theory ( h _ control theory ) and modern hydrokinetics theory 、 solid dynamics theory are used to build the control model of asac in this thesis . and the h _ control experimental system is build based on modern signal processing technology and compter technology
    本文在国内外最新的asac理论研究与实验成果的基础上,首次将现代鲁棒控制理论( h _控制理论)与现代流体动力学、固体动力学理论相结合,建立了结构振动声辐射主动控制模型,提出了设计鲁棒h _控制器的新方法,并采用现代信号处理技术、计算机技术建立了结构振动声辐射鲁棒h _控制实验装置,进行了实验研究。
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acoustic control的中文翻译,acoustic control是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译acoustic control,acoustic control的中文意思,acoustic control的中文acoustic control in Chineseacoustic control的中文acoustic control怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
